Study: 74% of U.S. students use smartphones in class

Students in the U.S. are most likely globally to use technology to complete assignments in the classroom, according to a survey by Cambridge International. About three out of four U.S. students (74 percent) use their smartphones as educational aids in the classroom, compared with 42 percent globally.


U.S. students are the least likely (12 percent) to receive tutoring outside of school hours, while students in China are the most likely (57 percent). Globally, four in 10 students (43 percent) globally reported receiving tutoring outside of school.


Six in 10 U.S. students (60 percent) don’t play any sport at school, second-highest only to Spain (62 percent). The most commonly played sport in the United States is cross-country and track (10 percent).

The Global Education Census report focused on 10 countries: the United States, China, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Indonesia and Argentina.

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