American families prefer to enjoy the comforts of home rather than going out as they feel less connected to other people. The portion of people who said “my personal values and point of view are shared by most Americans today” this year fell to 47 percent from 68 percent in 1987, according to a survey by publisher Trusted Media Brands and Kantar Consulting.
Stagnant wages, the divisive political environment and greater choices of on-demand entertainment and delivery options at home are among the reasons for “home-basing.”
“With Americans feeling less connected to their fellow citizens than any time in recent history, people are turning to smaller circles, and longing for a greater sense of belonging to their community, friends, and, above all, family,” the report said. “Today’s home is above all a sanctuary for modern families and a place to be productive, to connect and recharge.”
When asked to describe their homes, “comfortable” was the word chosen most often (81 percent), ahead of safe (68 percent) and loving (61 percent). The top home activities among family members are socializing (95 percent), watching movies or TV together (89 percent), playing board games (82 percent) and cooking together (82 percent), the survey found.