IDC: Smartphone shipments fall 6% to 355.2 million

Smartphone shipments fell 6 percent to 355.2 million units during the third quarter from a year earlier, the fourth straight quarter of declines, according to International Data Corp.


Top 5 Smartphone Companies, Worldwide Shipments, Market Share, and Year-Over-Year Growth, Q2 2018 (shipments in millions of units)
Company 3Q18 Shipment Volumes 3Q18 Market Share 3Q17 Shipment Volumes 3Q17 Market Share 3Q18/3Q17 Change
Samsung 72.2 20.3% 83.3 22.1% -13.4%
Huawei 52.0 14.6% 39.1 10.4% 32.9%
Apple 46.9 13.2% 46.7 12.4% 0.5%
Xiaomi 34.3 9.7% 28.3 7.5% 21.2%
OPPO 29.9 8.4% 30.6 8.1% -2.1%
Others 119.9 33.8% 149.8 39.6% -19.9%
Total 355.2 100.0% 377.8 100.0% -6.0%
Source: IDC Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, November 1, 2018

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