Condé Nast falling out of fashion

Condé Nast’s UK Titles Swing to a Loss

Vogue publisher Condé Nast reports annual loss of £14m

Conde Nast UK tumbles to £14m loss

Condé Nast accounts reveal UK loss in 2017

Blind, an anonymous community app, surveyed tech employees to see how many would identify themselves as depressed.

  • 38.78% answered with ‘True’ to a question asking if they were depressed.
  • Amazon led the way with 43.4% of employees answering with ‘True,” Microsoft (with 41.58%) and Intel (with 38.86%).
  • Apple had the lowest percentage of employees answering with 30.61%.
  • The two other companies with the lowest percentage of employees answering with ‘False’ are Google (with 33.11%) and Cisco (with 34.69%).

The survey ran from Nov 20 through Nov 28, 2018, and was answered by 10,081 users of the Blind app. Users could only answer once.


Company True False Count % True % False
Amazon 447 583 1030 43.40% 56.60%
Microsoft 380 534 914 41.58% 58.42%
Intel 68 107 175 38.86% 61.14%
LinkedIn 55 87 142 38.73% 61.27%
Facebook 149 257 406 36.70% 63.30%
Uber 80 143 223 35.87% 64.13%
Oracle 50 92 142 35.21% 64.79%
Cisco 51 96 147 34.69% 65.31%
Google 148 299 447 33.11% 66.89%
Apple 45 102 147 30.61% 69.39%

Source: Blind

Almost two-thirds (62 percent) of U.S. millennials (ages 18-34) would likely recommend a brand that has an exceptional social media presence — quick response times, informative, across multiple sites — even if they weren’t initially happy with their product or service, according to a survey by the Harris Poll on behalf of Telus International.

Other key findings:

43 percent of millennials said if a brand they purchase from does not have a social media page to provide feedback on, they would consider purchasing from a different brand that does.

72 percent of millennials said they would be more likely to be loyal to a brand that responds to feedback through social media over a brand that does not (compared with 47 percent of Americans ages 45 and older)

66 percent of millennials said their loyalty towards a brand would be impacted by how quickly they address their feedback through social media.